"And Moses said unto Pharaoh, Glory over me: when shall I intreat the LORD for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses, that they remain in the river only?
And he said, To morrow..." (Exodus 8:9-10)
As you know, Moses has been commissioned of the Lord to go to Pharaoh, and demand the release of the children of Israel. They have been slaves in Egypt for hundreds of years. it is time for them to go.
Pharaoh refuses, and God plagues Egypt until they comply. (When God is challenged, He never loses!)
Aaron stretches his rod out over the Nile River, and frogs come up out of the river, covering the land. They were ever where. Even in their houses! In their beds and in their kitchens! Yuk!
The uninterrupted croaking of frogs filled their days and their nights. Aaaargh!
Pharaoh sends for Moses, and pleads with him, asking him to "...Intreat the LORD, that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people,..." (v. 8)
The frog was an Egyptian idol. They worshipped them. Yet Pharaoh has become sick of them, and wants them destroyed out of his life!
I see something here. I can remember loving and worshipping certain sins in my life. And then becoming sick of them, but unable to rid myself of them. They had me, though I loathed them. And even though I was sick of them, I still held on to them, unwilling to let them go.
That is illustrated in Pharaoh in this passage. He worshipped frogs, yet became tormented of them, and sickened by them. And when he asked for God to take them away, he said, "Do it tomorrow! Give me one more day with my frogs!" Crazy!
If you have a "Habit, Hang-up, or Hurt", don't ask God for one more day with it, Ask Him to take it away, NOW! Don't spend another minute with the 'frogs' in your life!
From my heart to your heart.