"And there was a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest." (Luke 22:24)
I become nostalgic whenever I remember the sunny slopes of yester-year, and the people who were used of God to make me into the one that I am.
Like my little league baseball coach, Jack Hathorne. He preached an endless sermon, called, "Keep your eye on the ball!"
As boys, we would snicker as we took what he said, literally, and with sarcasm. We'd pick up a ball, and put it against our eye, and laugh. Good times!
But what he was trying to do was get us to stay focused on the game we were playing. He would also yell, "Get your head in the game!"
Now, look at this passage.
1) Jesus and His disciples are at the table of the Passover feast.
2) Jesus institutes "The Lord's Supper".
3) Jesus is only hours away from betrayal, arrest, trial, and crucifixion.
But, His disciples are clueless, and unaware of all that is about to happen!
They are actually arguing about who will be the greatest in the kingdom of God!
1) John has probably said, "Well, I'm His favorite, and you all know it, too."
2) James may have shot back with, "Mama has already talked to Him about this, and she has got it all settled with Jesus."
3) Philip fires back, "I found the kid with the five loaves, and two small fish, you know."
4) Andrew could have said, "Well, you know, I was always bringing someone to Jesus. Peter, I even brought you to Him."
5) Peter then trumps them all, by saying, "Who walked on water with Jesus? Huh? Who did that?"
Their eye was not on the ball!
Their head was not in the game!
They had lost focus!
We can be better than that.
From my heart to your heart.