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"Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?" (Matthew 18:21)
Apparently, Peter had been mistreated and wronged by someone! Perhaps the guy at the fish market had cheated him again with his old rusty scales, or, maybe, he had one of "those" neighbors living next door. (You know the type. They seem to able to push your button, and rattle your cage.)
Peter was wondering, "Just how many times do I forgive this guy before I can bust him in the mouth, or have him arrested?" (You know, he did cut a man's ear off with a sword, once)
The thing about vengeance is not really about right and wrong. It's about, "You can't do that TO ME! I am important, and my rights are not to be infringed upon!" It is about guarding your turf! It is PRIDE!
So, Peter thought a good gospel number like seven would fit, then he could bust his adversary right in the chops! (Haha) I mean, knock him down to the ground! Or, just write them off, and never have anything to do with them again?
Here's the next thing. God wants us to be like Him!
So, turn this thing around. "What if God only forgave you seven times?" What a precarious position that would place us in. After seven offenses, would we want God to knock us down to the ground? Or, would we want God to just walk off, and never have anything to do with us again?
If there is anyone that has the right to just write people off, wouldn't it be God? But He chose not to do that! God sent His Son to save us, and forgives us every time we ask Him to. (I John 1:9) "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Hallelujah!
We need to clamor down off of our high horse, and realize that the very things that offend us are often the very things that we ourselves do. We are not entitled! We are flawed, yet forgiven.
God expects us to find the grace that He has given unto us, and offer that grace to others. Even those who know which button to push, and how to rattle our cage.
When we forgive, we are imitating the character of our heavenly Father, and of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
That's a good thing.
From my heart to your heart.

New Prospect
Baptist Church



691 Highway 84

Brookhaven, MS 39601

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