"She hath done what she could:..." (Mark 14:8)
On the day of Jesus' betrayal by Judas Iscariot, He and His disciples were at Bethany, just outside of Jerusalem. They dined at Simon the leper's house. (Isn't it comforting to know that the Lord would go to the humble home of one who was once an outcast of society.)
As Jesus dined, in came a woman, who was carrying a bottle of costly ointment. She poured it upon Jesus' head. The scent of the fragrance went throughout the house. This costly bottle of perfume was broken, and then poured out for Jesus. Sacrificed!
Some that sat with Jesus thought it was a waste! It made no sense to them.
When we give our hearts to Jesus, many can't understand that, and think that we have foolishly wasted our lives for some dream or fantasy. Nothing could be farther from being true.
The point that I wish to emphasize from my A. M. reading assignment is this, though. Jesus recognized that this woman had done what she could for Him! He was not disappointed, at all, in her!
Oh, let that be said of each of us, when we meet the Lord, one blessed day.
"He, or she, hath done what they could!"
To have the praise of our Savior would be wonderful!
From my heart to your heart.